
Happy Thanksgiving

Cooking and Fire Safety Tips for Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving, people across the country will be getting together to eat more than 700 million pounds of turkey. This much turkey means that there will be a lot of food preparation and cooking done in the couple days leading up to Thanksgiving. As you start preparing your Thanksgiving meal, it is very important to use good practices for food safety and cooking safety to avoid fires.

prevent frozen pipes

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter

While dangerously cold temperatures cannot be prevented, there are things that you can do to protect your property and prevent your home’s pipes from freezing and bursting. Use the following information as a guide on how to prevent frozen pipes this winter and what to do if you find that your home’s pipes have frozen.

fire damage

Tips to Remove Smoke Odor

Smoke particles can be composed of varying toxic elements. Although difficult to eliminate, smoke odors can be removed with a little knowledge and a lot of concentrated effort. See how.

sump pump water damage

Excessive Flooding and Sump Pump Failures

One of the most common questions we are asked is about the most common source of water damage that we respond to.  Sump pump failures of one kind or another are responsible for more damage than any other cause. Following are a list of common sump pump issues and the best solution for each one.